All timeline stories.

Light Goose Communications Strategy

In 1997, effective communications was identified as mandatory to the successful implementation of any light goose management actions. DJCase and Associates was contracted to develop a strategy to educate and inform government decision makers, the media, and the public on this complex issue. As part of the communications strategy, three tours of the La Perouse…

Public information explosion

Public information explosion begins. 100’s of articles begin appearing all across North America in newspapers, magazines, television, agency and NGO publications – even Life Magazine and the CBS evening news in 1997.

A Stakeholders Working Group

February 1998 – A Stakeholders Working Group established by AFWA to conduct an independent review of the Arctic Ecosystems in Peril, produced a report that supported the findings in the “Perils” report. The 12 member stakeholders group included the Inuvialuit Game Council, the National Wildlife Federation, and the Humane Society of the United States. The…

United States Conservation Order Regulations

In 1999, Conservation Order Regulations were implemented in the U.S. These new regulations allowed for harvest of light geese outside of the hunting season dates established in the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1916. The Humane Society of the United States filed for an injunction in federal court to stop the Conservation Order. The CO…